Answers to Your UNC Safe Campus Questions
- What is UNC Safe Campus?
UNC Safe Campus is a confidential, anonymous incident reporting system for UNC students, faculty and staff. It is not part of the university, but it notifies appropriate university personnel while protecting the identity of the person who filed a report. It is available 24/7/365 online at or by calling (toll-free) 1- 800-461-9330 .
- Why is UNC using My Safe Campus?
UNC Safe Campus will foster the environment UNC commits to promote in its university Values Statement—an environment where academic integrity is valued and expected; excellence is sought and rewarded; teaching and learning flourish; diversity of thought and culture is respected; intellectual freedom is preserved; and equal opportunity is afforded.
- Does UNC Safe Campus replace UNC’S current reporting processes?
No, UNC Safe Campus is a safety net to catch issues that can’t be addressed through processes the university already has in place. It offers students, faculty and staff a place to turn if they feel unsafe reporting something through the usual channels.
- How do I use UNC Safe Campus?
To make a report, complete the form online at or call (toll-free) 1-800-461-9330.
- Is it really anonymous?
UNC Safe Campus is as anonymous as you choose to make it. There are three levels of anonymity. You may:
- Remain completely anonymous
- Identify yourself only to a Convercent liaison, not to UNC
- Share your identity with UNC Safe Campus and UNC
No matter which option you choose, the report and your identity are encrypted using state-of-the-art SSL encryption technology. You'll receive an access number and select a password that allow you to anonymously check the status of your report.
- What kind of things can I use UNC Safe Campus to report?
Reporting categories include:
- Academic dishonesty
- Accounting/audit related complaints
- Admissions irregularities
- Campus safety/security concerns
- Compliance/regulation violations
- Copyright violations
- Discrimination
- Drug or alcohol law violations
- Embezzlement
- Employee relations issues
- Environmental issues
- Falsifying documents
- Fraud
- Harassment
- Hate crime
- Hazardous Campus Housing Conditions
- Hazing
- HIPAA compliance (confidentiality of personal medical information)
- Identity Theft
- Information Security
- Plagiarism
- Sexual Harassment/Misconduct
- Student Health Concerns
- Substance Abuse
- Theft
- Threat of Violence
- Unauthorized access to computerized academic or administrative records or systems
- Unsafe Work Conditions
- Vandalism
- Vendor Concerns
- Violation of the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Workplace violence.
If your concern doesn’t fit any of these descriptions, there is an “other” category.
- What happens when I file a report?
UNC Safe Campus stores your report on a secure, Web-based system that is not part of the university. An automated e-mail system notifies UNC’s designated recipient(s) that a report has been filed and they should log onto the secure UNC Safe Campus system to view it.
- How safe is my report?
UNC Safe Campus uses SSL technology, the standard procedure of encrypting data as it is transferred between your computer and an outside server. Any computer or Internet connection may be used to submit a report.
- Who receives my report?
A report is never sent to someone who is named in it (as long as the name is spelled correctly). Otherwise, all reports are sent to UNC’s general counsel. When appropriate, they are sent to the internal auditor, dean of students, HIPAA privacy officer, and designated recipients in Human Resource Services, Information Technology, Residence Life and the UNC Police Department.
- Will people in my report be notified that I filed it?
If you file a report, your identity is protected by law. “Whistle-blower” protection laws allow this type of report to be filed by an “un-named.”
- What other organizations use this service?
More than 6.7 million subscribers in over 149 countries use UNC Safe Campus and a similar system called Convercent.